Why we care about water
According to a recent UN World Water Development Report, a child dies every eight seconds from drinking unsafe water.* 5,000 children die every day and every 21 seconds a child perishes from waterborne diseasess such as typhoid, cholera, and dysentery.**
Ensuring access to clean, safe water worldwide is critical. Not only is it essential for successful agriculture, food, and energy production, it is a children’s issue because water is vital for healthy development and survival. We believe all children need clean, safe water today – so they have a chance at tomorrow.
Source: *Second UN World Water Development Report **World Health Organization
Too many children are dying for a drink of clean, safe water.
According to a recent UN World Water Development Report, a child dies every eight seconds from drinking unsafe water. Five thousand children die every day. Every 21 seconds, a child dies from waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera, and dysentery.
Approximately 2,000 U.S. Cities have contaminated drinking water that is deemed unsafe to drink. We think this is a crime. We want to be a force for change. Children are our future. They must have clean, safe water today to live healthy lives and have a chance at tomorrow.
These are essential for all who are a part of team CW4K:
• Integrity
• Continuous Improvement
• Shared Learning
• Innovation
• Creativity
• Passion
• Have Fun
How are we going to do it?
CannedWater4kids (CW4K) believes in sustainable solutions through collaborative problem-solving.
As the great philosopher Maimonides once said, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” We make sure that those we help know how to sustain the solutions we provide. We do this in four areas:
- Drinking Water Projects
We will support, fund, and deliver sustainable clean water projects to include the digging of wells and water purification solutions. Project partners include but are not limited to organizations including Engineers Without Borders, UNICEF, Water4.org, Stonehouse Water Technologies, and SON International. - Disaster Relief
We will try to respond with emergency water as the need presents itself. Since 2008, we have sent over 3,000,000 cans of fresh drinking water to aid the people in Haiti, New Jersey, Japan, Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, and Flint, Michigan. - Education
We will support local, regional and global programs that help educate individuals about the growing clean water crisis, water conservation, the importance and benefits of recycling, and how to make informed, healthy decisions about your drinking water. - Promotion of the Can Industry
CW4K is a philanthropic member of the Can Industry in the US. Using the can as our billboard, our product will actively promote our cause and the value of choosing beverages/products packaged in infinitely recyclable aluminum bottles and cans.
What the world will look like if we are successful
To know that all children in the world have access to sustainable, clean, safe drinking water. And to see that they can be free of waterborne diseases that currently impact development and childhood life-expectancy. Healthy kids with big smiles on their faces will be universal.
Sources for funding for CannedWater4kids (CW4K) include:
- Donations
- Sales of CW4K water in aluminum bottles and cans
- Sponsorships
- Grants
- Sale of Water-related domain names
- Sales of items in the CW4K Store